Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Stroke Prevention Tips That Works

Home Health Care Los AngelesA healthy diet would save you from stroke. Most senior people think that they should enjoy food while they are young due to the fact that older people would tend to experience health problems. Actually, the health problems that appear on the later age are caused by the unhealthy food that people consume during their young age. You should start a healthy diet as young as possible and continue for Senior Care.

Here are some foods and tips that could prevent stroke.

Stroke Prevention Diet

A healthy diet would save you from stroke. Most people think that they should enjoy food while they are young due to the fact that older people would tend to experience health problems. Actually, the health problems that appear on the later age are caused by the unhealthy food that people consume during their young age. You should start a healthy diet as young as possible.

Here are some foods and tips that could prevent stroke.


Most people think of fats as solely unhealthy food but the fact is, not all fats are bad for the health. There are two types of fats: saturated (bad for the health) and unsaturated (good for the body). Whenever choosing processed foods, check for the fat content, especially for the amount of the saturated fats. Saturated fats are hard to degrade inside the body and tend to settle on your veins and arteries that could cause obstruction of blood flow. On the other hand, unsaturated fats would help your body to become healthier because they are easily degraded inside the body. Whenever you use oil, choose those that are made of unsaturated fats such as olive oil, canola oil, and peanut oil.

Omega-3 Rich Foods

The omega-3 is an essential fatty acid that is needed by the body for metabolism. This is present in salmon, tuna, mackerel, walnuts and flax seed. High amounts are present in fish and other seafood. An omega-3 food supplement is present in pharmacies whenever you do not like to eat such food.


Doctor does not recommend a high salt diet due to the fact that this increases the risk of high blood pressure. High salt diet increases water retention in the body which causes high blood pressure. Having a high blood pressure increases the risk of having a stroke, especially if you tend to have a sedentary lifestyle.


Complex carbohydrates are broken down into simple sugar that is needed for the body to produce energy. These types of carbohydrates are easily degraded by the body. Complex carbohydrates include starch and fiber. These are present in fruits, vegetables, bran, barley, oats, and legumes.

Iron Intake

High iron intake would lead to atherosclerosis. This condition causes the narrowing and hardening of the arteries that could lead to heart attack or stroke.

Alcohol Intake

A high alcohol intake increases the risk of stroke. This would increase the blood pressure and could eventually lead to heart attack or stroke. Moderation is always recommended whenever prevention is not possible.


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  3. Such a good post. Amazing that some people don't realize what we do in our earlier years really affects us later on in life. Thank you for keeping is straight to the point yet detailed enough to get the picture. Look forward to seeing you again at the Empowered Living hop.


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