Tuesday, 31 July 2012
Recycling Labels Causes Confusion In Recycling Bins
When Sandra Keil transferred to Arlington last year, she received a letter of warning of a hefty 50$ penalty if she continues to add paper in the recycling bin.
"I gasped," the Arlington, Va., resident remembers. "I'm a recycling expert."
Keil, an executive with recycling directory Earth911.com, was unaware that she needed to put the paper trash in bags beside the bins. "I was wrong," she says.
To solve this confusion a new sign will appear in different items this fall. The voluntary How2Recycle label will provide indicators if the product is recycled in most areas or not.
"There's a lot of confusion and misinformation about recyclability," says Anne Bedarf, who helped develop the label for the Sustainable Packaging Coalition of GreenBlue, a non-profit environmental group. "We want to provide information that's transparent and consistent."
The idea came from United Kingdom and was launched first on a laundry detergent by Seventh Generation and hand towels by outdoor-gear retailer REI. Other companies follow suit such as Estee Lauder, Costco Wholesale, General Mills' Yoplait, Microsoft, Orville Redenbacher, BJ's and Best Buy.
Others are skeptical with the new recycling labels.
"It may cause more confusion," says Keil, who argues that recycling varies too much from place to place. "It's really hard to have a standardized label when there's no standardized policy."
She says consumers want to know what they can recycle, not what most Americans can. She fears the label may lead to mistakes and higher local costs.
Recycling "is very tricky, and it's very local," she says.
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Recycling Labels Causes Confusion In Recycling Bins
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Sunday, 29 July 2012
Benefits of Buying A Green Homes
There are many benefits that we can get if we turned to being eco-friendly. We should use environment friendly products and patronizing eco-friendly stores by using all of this we are also helping to minimize our global problem. We are hitting two birds with one stone.
Listed below are the benefits that we can get by making your home eco-friendly or buying a green home.
1. Lower utility and water bills.
We can save more money in our bill in water and electricity if we turn off the light when not use and avoid using the appliances simultaneously and we can conserve water by using glass in brushing our teeth and washing the dishes manually instead of dishwasher.
2. Healthier indoor air quality.
We could have healthy indoor air by putting plant inside our house and also by maintaining the cleanliness in our home. In this way the air that circulate inside the house are clean because it was absorb by the plant plus the being clean in ourhome we can avoid many diseases that could harm us.
3. Tax benefits
The government offers several tax breaks and incentives for efficiency upgrades to homes of renewable energy and energy efficiency. They are promoting to use renewable energy to help us minimized the problem in electricity.
4. Higher real estate resale value.
Many people are acquiring the eco-friendly living. They also turn their home into green-certified homes. The result of this the property value of their house turns up to 18 percent less time and for 28 to 37 percent higher value per square foot.
5. Improved durability and less maintenance.
It is better if we use wood floorings in our house than the traditional carpet flooring. It is less maintenance plus the cost is much lower and can be used for a longer time.
6. Reduced waste sent to landfills.
We should recycle what can be re-used. We should think 100 times before putting our things in the garbage bin. Maximize the use of all the things that we have and in this way we can save money we can help our environment in reducing waste.
7. Enhance and protect biodiversity and eco-systems.
Protect our forest. Let us help to stop illegal logging and quarrying. We should plant more trees to help our eco system.
8. Conserve and restore natural resources.
We should help stop mining which could destroy are natural resources. We should cooperate in preserving our natural resources by planting more trees, conserving water, use renewable energy and recycling.
9. Better for the environment.
We should patronize home products which are eco-friendly and living in a green home means that you're helping reduce the causes of climate change in our world.
10. Optimize life-cycle of a home.
Being green at home can extend the life the people living with it. The greenest homes are sustainable, meaning they were built to last and work effectively for generations.
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Benefits of Buying A Green Homes
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Thursday, 26 July 2012
Walking and Cycling Green to the 2012 London Olympics
Imagine lighting the walkway going to the Olympic park using only just the footsteps of million spectators who will be watching the Olympic Games live.
Pavegen Systems Ltd. was task to develop this pioneering renewable technology that will be used for the foot bridge in the West Ham Station going to the Olympic Park.
Twelve energy-harvesting floor tiles that are installed in the floors that connect the West Ham Station to the Greenway walking path to the Olympic Park are predicted to accept 12 million steps and produce 72 million joules of energy during the games. This is enough to energize 10000 cellphone in one hour.
The energy derive from the floor tiles will be use to light the route for eight hours at maximum power during the night and 2/3 of the day at 50% power. It will have a surplus of 35% extra power that will be harvested by batteries to be used for backup power during maintenance.
Hugh Sumner, director of transport at the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA), said, "The widespread use of energy-efficient technology is one of the main features of London 2012. This foot-powered lighting system for one of the main walkways into the Olympic Park is just one of the many sustainable initiatives the ODA have deployed during the Games and will really get people thinking about how an individual can make a difference, while getting to and from their events."
London 2012 will also be promoting walking and cycling through its Active Travel program. It will ensure easy walk or cycle to the games by adding maps that has options to different cycling routes , 150 walks and 425 rides and a user friendly planner for cyclist.
Sumner said, "Cycling is a fun and healthy way to get around at Games time. The ODA and its partners have made a significant investment to ensure London 2012 is a sustainable transport Games. All London 2012 venues are accessible by bike and free, secure, managed cycle parking will also be available at each location."
"An investment of over five billion pounds has been brought forward to try and provide the best possible public transport infrastructure," said Shaun McCarthy, chair of the Commission for a Sustainable London an independent watchdog group responsible for ensuring the Games' sustainability goals are being tracked and met.
"You know everybody is cynical about public transport in London," McCarthy acknowledged. "There may be days when it does not work quite as well as we would like it to. But I think the legacy of public transport is going to be fantastic."
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Walking and Cycling Green to the 2012 London Olympics
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Wednesday, 25 July 2012
The Greenest 2012 London Olympics
Athletes and delegates that will be joining the London Olympics will be flushing the toilet coming from London residents water sewage systems in order to become the most eco-friendly Olympics.
To make the Olympics green a water recycling plant at the Olympic Park located in Stratford converts sewage water for flowers, plants, gardens and toilets.
Thames Water, the developer of the £7 million water plant said it takes approximately 36 hours for non potable to be used in toilets from London residents to the non-drinking water system at the Olympic Park which goes to different treatment at Old Ford, the UK's biggest black water recycling plant.
Water Minister Richard Benyon said: “It is our goal to create a safe and sustainable water supply in the future and projects such as this have a crucial role to play. By using ‘black water', which is safely recycled, the Old Ford plant will stop fresh water being used where it isn't needed, helping to make this the greenest games ever.”
The Thames head of innovation added that it is important to recycle and reuse water even if the hosepipe ban was remove last month.
Rupert Kruger added: “Old Ford is helping London 2012 do that, while also helping with vital research to help London cope with future droughts. Dual-purpose water supply networks are the sustainable way forward.”
With a daily outcome of 574,000 liters, it is adequate to use for 80,000 comfort rooms daily. The Olympic Parks dependency to drinking water being used for toilets is reduced by 58%.
From April 5 and July 17, the water recycling system has already provided 24.1Million liters water ready for use in Olympic Parks toilet and garden.
The water from Northern Outfall Sewer constructed in 1800s goes to the water recycling plant which is under the Greenway walk and cycle way near Olympic Park. It also gets water from north London to Beckton sewage works system.
Rubbish Clearance London- Clear it Waste
Sunday, 22 July 2012
Have you Tried Working Out on A Green Gym?
There are many gyms nowadays are eco-friendly. They realize that being healthy is not enough we should also need a clean environment. That's why the Scottsdale, Ariz.-based fitness centre, which opened last spring as one of the state's first eco-friendly gyms, puts its patrons' hard work to use with energy-harnessing cardio machines that capture and reclaim the power produced by users.
The elliptical machines and fitness bikes found at Off the Grid, manufactured by SportsArt Fitness and PlugOut Fitness, respectively, are part of the fitness industry's push towards sustainability. They offer also self-powered treadmills, which consume no energy at all.
Off the Grid founder Eric Guilleminault got the idea from Adam Boesel, founder of the Green Microgym in Portland, Ore. and the inventor of the PlugOut fitness bikes.
Guilleminault also used recycled construction material and weightlifting machines when possible and installed bamboo flooring, a far more sustainable resource than hardwood. His locker rooms include dual flush toilets and low-flow faucets and showerheads to eliminate water waste, too.
Being a green gym who promotes eco-friendly machines is not a guarantee that they can survive for a long period of time. They have competitors that have many machines which are more appealing to the gym enthusiast than what they offer.
"This is really a case study," founder Eric Guilleminault said of Off the Grid. "If it works out then great, if it doesn't, at least we tried."
The important thing is they tried to at least help our problem with our environment. They believe that we should also give back to the environment by using an eco-friendly machines which is less harmful to everyone.
It is a great move for the Off the grid to introduce not only eco-friendly machines to the gym enthusiast but also they do make an efforts in recycling, reducing energy and water usage, using environmentally friendly products throughout the gym, and fostering green initiatives in the community.
Rubbish Clearance London
The elliptical machines and fitness bikes found at Off the Grid, manufactured by SportsArt Fitness and PlugOut Fitness, respectively, are part of the fitness industry's push towards sustainability. They offer also self-powered treadmills, which consume no energy at all.
Off the Grid founder Eric Guilleminault got the idea from Adam Boesel, founder of the Green Microgym in Portland, Ore. and the inventor of the PlugOut fitness bikes.
Guilleminault also used recycled construction material and weightlifting machines when possible and installed bamboo flooring, a far more sustainable resource than hardwood. His locker rooms include dual flush toilets and low-flow faucets and showerheads to eliminate water waste, too.
Being a green gym who promotes eco-friendly machines is not a guarantee that they can survive for a long period of time. They have competitors that have many machines which are more appealing to the gym enthusiast than what they offer.
"This is really a case study," founder Eric Guilleminault said of Off the Grid. "If it works out then great, if it doesn't, at least we tried."
The important thing is they tried to at least help our problem with our environment. They believe that we should also give back to the environment by using an eco-friendly machines which is less harmful to everyone.
It is a great move for the Off the grid to introduce not only eco-friendly machines to the gym enthusiast but also they do make an efforts in recycling, reducing energy and water usage, using environmentally friendly products throughout the gym, and fostering green initiatives in the community.
Rubbish Clearance London
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Have you Tried Working Out on A Green Gym?
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Wednesday, 18 July 2012
APPLE and EPEAT Still Together For the Environment
The protest from environmental organizations,responsible citizens and loyal customers like San Francisco community who openly criticized and boycott their products have been heard and Apple now will be submitting its ELIGIBLE product to Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) certification program, except for the latest MacBook Pro Retina model.
Apple hardware SVP Bob Mansfield wrote on their Apple's website that they have heard their customers plea and will be returning back to EPEAT.
"We've recently heard from many loyal Apple customers who were disappointed to learn that we had removed our products from the EPEAT rating system," Mansfield said. "I recognize that this was a mistake. Starting today, all eligible Apple products are back on EPEAT."
The latest MacBook Pro Retina could never pass EPEAT certification since Apple sacrifice reparability and recyclability in which the glass screens and battery was glued and not screwed.
Gary Cook, senior policy analyst for Greenpeace International aid Apple was making a false choice between design and recyclability. Apple's exit from EPEAT as "a step backwards from what had previously been quite good environmental leadership," and noted that technology products should "last longer and be repairable."
In his letter, Mansfield insists that Apple continues to lead the industry in its environmental practices. "[W]e make the most energy-efficient computers in the world and our entire product line exceeds the stringent ENERGY STAR 5.2 government standard," he wrote. "No one else in our industry can make that claim."
Greenpeace thinks that Apple Management is just all talk and that they have not followed what they have promise to use renewable energy for their Data Centers like EBAY and other companies.
In the long run it will be beneficial for the environment since APPLE and EPEAT will try update their products and certifications.
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APPLE and EPEAT Still Together For the Environment
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Tuesday, 17 July 2012
Apple Heard San Francisco and Returned To EPEAT
The home of Golden Gate Bridged has announced that it will no longer purchase any Apple products after the latter withdrew itself from a program granting environmentally friendly certification to electronic products.
"We are disappointed that Apple chose to withdraw from EPEAT and we hope that the city saying it will not buy Apple products will make Apple reconsider its participation,"
Melanie Nutter, director of San Francisco's Department of Environment, told Joel Schechtman on the Wall Street Journal's CIO Journal. A month ago, Apple announced that it will no longer submit its devices to the non-profit EPEAT for green certification. Because they believe that EPEAT was not hardware recycling but more on measuring toxins. Green certification was given if the products are recyclable and designed to do minimal harm to the environment and to maximize energy efficiency.
CNET, Dara Kerr says that Apple has responded to the criticism. Apple cites its own "rigorous environmental standards" for ensuring that its products are green; as the company tells The Loop, its own standards are not those used by EPEAT. Apple spokesperson Kristin Huguet noted that Apple "leads the industry" in reporting greenhouse gas emissions via its website. The Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) is a method for consumers to evaluate the effect of a product on the environment. It is assessing lifecycle environmental standards and ranks products. In order to meet the standards, recyclers need to be able to easily disassemble products, with common tools, to separate toxic components, like batteries. But the Apple products are cannot be readily taken apart as their components are glued together. "They said their design direction was no longer consistent with the EPEAT requirements," Frisbee said.
The company did not elaborate, Frisbee said. "They were important supporters and we are disappointed that they don't want their products measured by this standard anymore." The decision of San Francisco officials to ban any Apple products to their city will have a minimal impact on the latter company. Many schools and universities are also considering to not buy any Apple products due to environmental safety concerns.
San Francisco is "prominent in environmental circles, and many local governments from around the country look to his office for guidance on green purchasing." Many cities and counties will follow what San Francisco does, says Geiger.
Environmental safety is very important. We should be responsible for every modern creation we made because it will not only affect the environment but also the human being. If we are careless with our waste products the toxins that come from it will harm the people and also all the living things that live within.
The move of Apple is big news for everyone because if they don't allow their products to be submitted to test how will the consumer will proved that their products are safe for everyone. We should all be observant and be a responsible citizen of this world. We should not only think ourselves but also all the things that surround us.
"We are disappointed that Apple chose to withdraw from EPEAT and we hope that the city saying it will not buy Apple products will make Apple reconsider its participation,"
Melanie Nutter, director of San Francisco's Department of Environment, told Joel Schechtman on the Wall Street Journal's CIO Journal. A month ago, Apple announced that it will no longer submit its devices to the non-profit EPEAT for green certification. Because they believe that EPEAT was not hardware recycling but more on measuring toxins. Green certification was given if the products are recyclable and designed to do minimal harm to the environment and to maximize energy efficiency.
CNET, Dara Kerr says that Apple has responded to the criticism. Apple cites its own "rigorous environmental standards" for ensuring that its products are green; as the company tells The Loop, its own standards are not those used by EPEAT. Apple spokesperson Kristin Huguet noted that Apple "leads the industry" in reporting greenhouse gas emissions via its website. The Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) is a method for consumers to evaluate the effect of a product on the environment. It is assessing lifecycle environmental standards and ranks products. In order to meet the standards, recyclers need to be able to easily disassemble products, with common tools, to separate toxic components, like batteries. But the Apple products are cannot be readily taken apart as their components are glued together. "They said their design direction was no longer consistent with the EPEAT requirements," Frisbee said.
The company did not elaborate, Frisbee said. "They were important supporters and we are disappointed that they don't want their products measured by this standard anymore." The decision of San Francisco officials to ban any Apple products to their city will have a minimal impact on the latter company. Many schools and universities are also considering to not buy any Apple products due to environmental safety concerns.
San Francisco is "prominent in environmental circles, and many local governments from around the country look to his office for guidance on green purchasing." Many cities and counties will follow what San Francisco does, says Geiger.
Environmental safety is very important. We should be responsible for every modern creation we made because it will not only affect the environment but also the human being. If we are careless with our waste products the toxins that come from it will harm the people and also all the living things that live within.
The move of Apple is big news for everyone because if they don't allow their products to be submitted to test how will the consumer will proved that their products are safe for everyone. We should all be observant and be a responsible citizen of this world. We should not only think ourselves but also all the things that surround us.
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Apple Heard San Francisco and Returned To EPEAT
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Saturday, 14 July 2012
Benefits Of Recycling
We can save the Earth for our children through Education. Here is a beautiful info graphics that we can teach our children about the benefits of recycling.
info-graphics provided by Organic Mattresses
It is our responsibility to recycle,reduce and reuse daily.If we can properly segregate our garbage, Rubbish Clearance London will recycle it for us. Clear it Waste recycles 80% of the garbage they collect.
info-graphics provided by Organic Mattresses
It is our responsibility to recycle,reduce and reuse daily.If we can properly segregate our garbage, Rubbish Clearance London will recycle it for us. Clear it Waste recycles 80% of the garbage they collect.
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Benefits Of Recycling
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EBAY Going Green and Clean
Climate Change is one of the major problems of our world today due to modernization. Many factors have brought this “climate change” and most of it because of the misuse of mankind.
One online marketplace has made a bold move to help solve the problem about climate change and that is EBAY. They are planning to power their main data centre in Utah primarily with renewable energy in partnership with Bloom Energy, they plan to install large scale fuel cells powered by biogas.
Biogas is a gas produced by the biological breakdown or organic matter in the absence of oxygen. It can provide a clean, easily controlled source of renewable energy from organic waste materials for a similar labor input replacing fossil fuels.
Other electronic companies like Apple, Microsoft and Google followed what EBay has been started. These companies also announced their plan of using renewable energy in their main plant.
This is to comply with the campaign of Greenpeace "How clean is your cloud?"
It is not too late to act responsibly now. We could still save our ozone layer from destruction. Let us be more careful with our modern things because this is where it all started. The pollution that our unrepaired appliances emit goes into our ozone layer that caused the climate change. A proper E-waste disposal should be followed.
Try to use renewable energy instead of our limited natural resources to lessen further damage to our ozone layer. It would be a big reduction to the carbon emissions we put on our ozone layer.
Let us all help our share to solve the problem of ozone layer thinning so that we could give a brighter future for our children.
Rubbish Clearance London
One online marketplace has made a bold move to help solve the problem about climate change and that is EBAY. They are planning to power their main data centre in Utah primarily with renewable energy in partnership with Bloom Energy, they plan to install large scale fuel cells powered by biogas.
Biogas is a gas produced by the biological breakdown or organic matter in the absence of oxygen. It can provide a clean, easily controlled source of renewable energy from organic waste materials for a similar labor input replacing fossil fuels.
Other electronic companies like Apple, Microsoft and Google followed what EBay has been started. These companies also announced their plan of using renewable energy in their main plant.
This is to comply with the campaign of Greenpeace "How clean is your cloud?"
It is not too late to act responsibly now. We could still save our ozone layer from destruction. Let us be more careful with our modern things because this is where it all started. The pollution that our unrepaired appliances emit goes into our ozone layer that caused the climate change. A proper E-waste disposal should be followed.
Try to use renewable energy instead of our limited natural resources to lessen further damage to our ozone layer. It would be a big reduction to the carbon emissions we put on our ozone layer.
Let us all help our share to solve the problem of ozone layer thinning so that we could give a brighter future for our children.
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EBAY Going Green and Clean
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Tuesday, 10 July 2012
15 Easy Ways To Reduce Electric Bills in The Kitchen
15 Easy Ways To Reduce Electric Bills in The Kitchen
The appliances that we use in the kitchen are the biggest contributor of our electric bill. To minimize this electric shocking bill there are many things we need to know about our appliances.
Here are follows:
Fridge is the biggest energy consuming of all. The older it is the higher its energy load. To save energy we need to replace the old with a new one with an energy saver mark and CFC badge to help our ozone layer from destruction. Our old fridge will not go into waste because it can be recycled. Because there are 120 pounds of steel in it that can saves an equivalent of almost 290 kilowatt hours.
There are many tips we need to follow in order for us save energy on our fridge.
a. Keep our refrigerator closed and refrain from opening it if when we don't have anything to do because it will be harder for the machine to generate the coolness therefore it will need more energy.
b. Sealed the dishes that was stored in the fridge because the moist that release from foods can make the fridge work harder to keep cool.
c. Unplug the refrigerator if you are out for weeks in a vacation. This will help you conserve energy at the same time will keep you out from short circuit that will lead to fire.
We used oven to bake cake and pastries in the kitchen. It is also energy consuming appliances. To minimize this we should follow these tips.
a. Install your oven away from your refrigerator because the heat that emit from oven will make the refrigerator harder to work and it will lead to more energy it will consume.
b. Used a convection oven rather than ordinary oven because it only uses one third the energy of an electric oven and it also heat more evenly. Cooking time will be reduced.
c. Keep the oven closed because the temperature will drop by every time the door open. Trust your recipe, it will never go wrong.
d. Preheat the oven only when necessary because it consumes more energy when preheated.
e. Clean the oven after each use. Check if it's has cracks and tears that can allow them to escape.
Stove Ranges
We used this for cooking our meals and everything in the kitchen. The proper way on how can we conserve energy on this are follows:
a. Used gas instead of electric when cooking.
b. Choose a pot the same diameter as the burner. Always make sure your burner is clean, Rubbish Clearance London. Every color of flame represents something like yellow flame meaning your stove need to be repaired because there is something wrong with it. Blue flame means your stove is in good working condition.
c. Reduced the heat you need as they say less is more. It will also save us from burning our meals.
This is used to wash our plates, glass, spoon and fork but did you know it is also biggest contributor of your electric bill. Here are the things you need to follow to save energy.
a. Run the dishwasher at night because water rates at night are low compare to the day.
b. Always clean your dishwasher because it will be harder for them to work if there are foreign particles in it. Thus, need more energy.
c. Air dries the dishes instead of heated drying.
Kitchen lighting
a. Changed your standard light bulb with CFL's because it saves more energy up to 75%.
b. Turn off the light when not in use.
There are many ways on how we can conserve energy in the kitchen. We need only to be responsible on how to use our appliances. Turn off everything when not in used.
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15 Easy Ways To Reduce Electric Bills in The Kitchen
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Would You Wear 100 Percent Recyclable Sneakers?
Many clothes, shoes and bags nowadays is being recycled to make it new again to suit the taste of the wearer because admit it if we don't like our shoes or clothes after several use then they go to the shelves or in the garbage bins.
Recycling this item doesn't mean we need to change the materials or torn the item and make it new. No.
Recycling means we will only improve the look of the item to suit the taste of its owner. We will only remix and create a new look.
The idea of recycling the shoes came up when millions of shoes wind ups in landfills each year so this born the Remix sneakers. It's creator made a new looks to the old and worn out sneakers by simply putting arts in it to make it look new again. This is made from 100% recyclable materials. Rubbish Clearance London
The idea of creating these recyclable sneakers is to advocate and initiate the improvements in recycling. This recycling item should be worn proudly. This is one way of promoting eco-enthusiasm and a green lifestyle.
Wearing fashionable items doesn't need to be costly. It should be affordable and can be used for a longer period. And it would be much better if it's made from 100% recyclable material. You not only help the industry promoting recycling products but also you help to contribute to have us a clean and safe environment.
“The mission is not only to deliver an enjoyable sustainable sneaker, but also to advocate and initiate improvements in recycling,” Gagnon wrote on the Kickstarter page. “REMYXX are to be worn proudly as a means to share your eco-enthusiasm and instill the importance of products, companies, and individual behaviors that promote and demonstrate good recycling and a green lifestyle.”
Watch The Video of their Story
Please Like and Tweet Our Page If you want to help promote Recycling!
Sunday, 8 July 2012
Rubbish Clearance London:Kenyan School for Girls Saves Trees
Many people now are being encourage to recycle all the things they have in their house in order to reduce their everyday expenses. By doing so, they were able to help Mother Nature by reducing the garbage that being thrown in the garbage bin.
A school for girls in Kenya is changing the way their views about recycling. They used bio-gas from student waste as cooking materials by replacing their old charcoal and firewood.
This is their way of saving the trees from cutting.Also to save the environment from air pollution that will be brought by making charcoal. They are making this a campaign to encourage other schools to follow them. So that in the near future if everybody will do the same, we can reduce soil erosion in the mountain because of cutting trees and charcoal making plus we could breathe an air free from pollution.
The officials of the school said that using bio-gas from waste of the students is not harmful to the body. It is proven and tested. Because the process of creating bio-gas was from bio-digester that was buried under the ground where the good bacteria helps to produced gas that eventually transferred to the kitchen as bio-gas.
This project was very helpful because the school save a big amount from buying fuel monthly. Even the local residents we're beginning to like the idea and try it at home.
Our world has a big problem about climate change and if we don't start now to help to solve this problem we will not have a bright future for our children.
Recycling is one way to resolve our problem to climate change and there are many ways if you just try to look for solutions and you will find it in yourself.
Friday, 6 July 2012
Rubbish Clearance London: Recycle Law Pass To Encourage Recycling
With the passing of California Assembly Bill 341 last July 1 2012, almost all commercial business and apartment building in California to implement recycling. The purpose of this bill is to reduce garbage from landfills and green house gas emissions.
Recology San Mateo County states that it is mandatory commercial recycling bill applies to office buildings, retail establishments, restaurants, non-profits, strip malls and government buildings that produces four or more yards of waste per week. Also multifamily dwellings (apartments, townhomes and condominiums) that generate five or more cubic yards of garbage must also recycle. [Note: A cubic yard is approximately the size of an average washing machine.
In order to facilitate the success of the recycling bill will be giving businesses and multifamily dwellings with blue carts and bins through its BizSMART program.
Recycling collection services in the blue Recycle Cart or Bin are provided at NO additional charge if you subscribe to garbage collection services, and with BizSMART - recycling has never been easier! Simply contact Recology to set up service or answer any questions.
In addition to the standard items (glass/plastic bottles, cans, newspapers, etc.), businesses may recycle office papers, phone books, hard/soft-cover books, metal cans, small scrap metal, and shredded paper.
Wednesday, 4 July 2012
Recycle your Cellphones and Earn some Cash
If you have been buying the latest cellphones and still have the old but still functional old model units then maybe you can recycle ,donate and earn some cash.
Here are some list for you to recycle, give it away or trade-in for cash your old phones.
Cellphonesforsoldiers-A non-profit organization dedicated to providing deployed and returning troops cost-free methods to communicate with family while serving in the United States military.
Founded with a clear vision: to offer a safe, simple, and environmentally responsible outlet for used gadgets – and to allow anyone to “Get Paid to Renew.”Step one:Search for and select your devices. Describe their condition & receive an immediate offer!Step two:Ship your devices to them using UPS. Shipping is free for orders with value, and the order is tracked from your door to to YouRenew.Step three:Once they receive your order, they will inspect the device, and send payment to you via check or PayPal.
Secure Trade In is powered by ReCellular, Inc., the world’s oldest and largest phone reuse and recycling company. Founded in 1991, ReCellular’s award-winning programs have kept more than 20 million phones out of our landfills.Step one- helps you look for your cellphone, manufacturer and model.
Step two- Evaluate the condition of your phone with just an easy click of the mouse.Step three- Send your phone and get paid. Chargers and accessories are not required.
You will receive a check after they receive the device and match your offer. An email confirmation will also inform you that your check will be there soon.
Step one- Get a free offer: Simply find your gadget and answer a few easy questions.Step two-Ship it to Gazelle: It is free for items worth $1 or more. They will check out your gadget as soon as they receive it.Step three- Get paid fast: Choose from check, Amazon gift card and I love it because they have PayPal.They even buy broken iPhones.
eBay Instant Sale
eBay Instant Sale was conceived by a team of eBay employees in early 2010 who debuted the idea – then called “Resell, Reuse, Recycle” – at eBay’s Innovation Expo. To date, the program has generated more than four million offers for devices that range from smartphones to iPads to laptop computers, and has established itself as one of the most competitive electronics trade-in destinations on the web.
Amazon ElectronicsTrade-In
Search for items to trade in. Your trade-in items must meet the product eligibility criteria.Print a shipping label and packing slip, package your items, and ship them for FREE.An Amazon.com Gift Card will be deposited into your account upon receipt of items.
Here are some list for you to recycle, give it away or trade-in for cash your old phones.
Step two- Evaluate the condition of your phone with just an easy click of the mouse.Step three- Send your phone and get paid. Chargers and accessories are not required.
You will receive a check after they receive the device and match your offer. An email confirmation will also inform you that your check will be there soon.
eBay Instant Sale
eBay Instant Sale was conceived by a team of eBay employees in early 2010 who debuted the idea – then called “Resell, Reuse, Recycle” – at eBay’s Innovation Expo. To date, the program has generated more than four million offers for devices that range from smartphones to iPads to laptop computers, and has established itself as one of the most competitive electronics trade-in destinations on the web.
Amazon ElectronicsTrade-In
Search for items to trade in. Your trade-in items must meet the product eligibility criteria.Print a shipping label and packing slip, package your items, and ship them for FREE.An Amazon.com Gift Card will be deposited into your account upon receipt of items.
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Recycle your Cellphones and Earn some Cash
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Rubbish collection london,
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Waste removal london
Monday, 2 July 2012
Rubbish Clearance London: Six Recycling Tips for a Greener You
More people are now promoting recycling because it will not only help you save more money but also prevents you from getting sick because of the many diseases that come from garbage. Every year millions of tons of garbage are thrown in the dump site. Soon enough the World will be field with garbage if we will not limit ourselves from throwing one. Here are the tips on how you can recycle your garbage.
Recycle food Peelings
Food peelings like in the fruits and vegetable can be use as fertilizer in the soil.
Re-use old clothes or towels
Don't easily throw away old, worn out clothes and towels. Because it can be used as rags, mops. And it can also recycle into more useful stuff like bags.
Don't waste food
It is cliche to say that "many people don't have anything to eat in their table so you better savor and eat the food you have right now". It is very true. So don't waste your food, if you have left over put it in the freezer and you can eat it again next time.
Save paper
Millions and millions of trees are cutting in order to have us a paper that we can write and print to. We should save the paper by writing on the other side. Or we can use cork board instead of paper for our memos.
Recharge your batteries
It is better if you have battery charge for your gadgets. You will not only save money in the long run but also you can help to save more energy and electricity. Just make sure that when the battery is full unplugged it from the supply.
Reduce plastic bottles
If we can help it, avoid using plastic bottles because there are chemical contents that are harmful to the body. Instead use glass bottle.
Recycling everything we have is one way of helping our nation. By doing so, we could have a clean and healthy environment. Just make sure that before we use are recycled materials it is clean.
Rubbish Clearance London-Clear It Waste
Recycle food Peelings
Food peelings like in the fruits and vegetable can be use as fertilizer in the soil.
Re-use old clothes or towels
Don't easily throw away old, worn out clothes and towels. Because it can be used as rags, mops. And it can also recycle into more useful stuff like bags.
Don't waste food
It is cliche to say that "many people don't have anything to eat in their table so you better savor and eat the food you have right now". It is very true. So don't waste your food, if you have left over put it in the freezer and you can eat it again next time.
Save paper
Millions and millions of trees are cutting in order to have us a paper that we can write and print to. We should save the paper by writing on the other side. Or we can use cork board instead of paper for our memos.
Recharge your batteries
It is better if you have battery charge for your gadgets. You will not only save money in the long run but also you can help to save more energy and electricity. Just make sure that when the battery is full unplugged it from the supply.
Reduce plastic bottles
If we can help it, avoid using plastic bottles because there are chemical contents that are harmful to the body. Instead use glass bottle.
Recycling everything we have is one way of helping our nation. By doing so, we could have a clean and healthy environment. Just make sure that before we use are recycled materials it is clean.
Rubbish Clearance London-Clear It Waste
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Rubbish Clearance London: Six Recycling Tips for a Greener You
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Rubbish collection london,
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rubbish removal london,
waste collection London,
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Waste removal london
Sunday, 1 July 2012
Rubbish Clearance London: A Wasteful Future For our Children
People all over the globe
should now start to live less because our world is full of rubbish. It grows
more every day and rubbish collection has been a problem. We should start to
recycle now before it is too late. We should be responsible with our own
garbage because in the end we all the one who will suffer for this catastrophe.
Many companies now are offering recycling services. They turned ruined things into usable again. Because they believe that not all waste has any use anymore. Impacts they can still use as good again given the proper recycle.
They say that by 2020 the world could generate 43% more waste than it did in 1995. By this knowledge we should be more responsible now, don't throw everything easily. Maximize its use. It cannot only help the environment; we could save more money if we recycle our things.
They say there is money in garbage but there is more money for us if we stop buying what we think is not necessary for our needs, by that we can minimize excess things in our house that will generate waste.
There are many steps on how to minimize our waste and at the same time can generate profit. One of this is proper segregation of our garbage. Separate biodegradable from non-bio degradable. Non-biodegradable can be sell to junk shop and can give you money while bio degradable can be used as fertilizer to the soil.
Clean and healthy environment is the duty we need to pay for living in this world. And this is the only treasure that we can leave to our future generations, so must take good care of it.
Many companies now are offering recycling services. They turned ruined things into usable again. Because they believe that not all waste has any use anymore. Impacts they can still use as good again given the proper recycle.
They say that by 2020 the world could generate 43% more waste than it did in 1995. By this knowledge we should be more responsible now, don't throw everything easily. Maximize its use. It cannot only help the environment; we could save more money if we recycle our things.
They say there is money in garbage but there is more money for us if we stop buying what we think is not necessary for our needs, by that we can minimize excess things in our house that will generate waste.
There are many steps on how to minimize our waste and at the same time can generate profit. One of this is proper segregation of our garbage. Separate biodegradable from non-bio degradable. Non-biodegradable can be sell to junk shop and can give you money while bio degradable can be used as fertilizer to the soil.
Clean and healthy environment is the duty we need to pay for living in this world. And this is the only treasure that we can leave to our future generations, so must take good care of it.
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Rubbish Clearance London: A Wasteful Future For our Children
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