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Volunteers and members will be adding seven more drop-off points in HAWAII to receive more than 500000 pounds of E-WASTE from computers anally. The DELL Reconnect started in 2004 and has recycled 253 Million pounds of garbage from computers.
Where To bring you’re E-Waste
Once you bring your rubbish or old computer in the drop off location. It will be evaluated if the computer can still be fixed and reuse or recycled. With Dell's careful guidelines, no harmful materials and chemicals are sent to the landfills or being transferred to other nations.
There are already 2500 E-Waste Goodwill Locations that serves 64 million households.
“Dell is committed to putting technology and expertise to work where it can do the most good for people and the planet,” said Mike Watson, Director of Compliance and Take-back at Dell.
“We’re thrilled to work with Goodwill Industries of Hawaii to expand the Dell Reconnect program and provide more options for people to recycle their computers responsibly, while also supporting Goodwill’s important mission.”
Last November 10 Dell
reconnect launch its Hawaii computer E-waste recycling drive, a
perfect timing for the America Recycle Day.
Types Of E-waste